The Start of Numa’s Reign as the Second King of Rome after Romulus Accordingly an augur (who thereafter, as a mark of honour, was made a priest of the state in permanent charge of that function) conducted him (Numa Pompilius) to the citadel and caused him to sit down on a stone, facing the south. The augur seated himself on Numa's left, having his head covered, and holding his in right hand the crooked staff without a knot which they call a lituus. Then, looking out over the City and the country beyond, he prayed to the gods, and marked off the heavens by a line from east to west, designating as ' right' the regions to the south, as 'left' those to the north, and fixing in his mind a landmark opposite to him and as far away as the eye could reach; next shifting the crook to his left hand and, laying his right hand on Numa's head, he uttered the following prayer: “Father Jupiter, if it is Heaven's will that this man Numa Pompilius, whose head I am touching, be king in Rome, do thou exhibit to us unmistakable signs within those limits which I have set.” He then specified the auspices which he desired should be sent, and upon their appearance Numa was declared king, and so descended from the augural station. - Livy (1.18) Here we can see Numa, perhaps the most pious king of Rome, used divination to confirm his right to rule, after he was unanimously voted for by the senators. This sort of divination should be revitalised in our new growing communities, especially when it comes to important decisions and confirming the Gods are on our sides regarding a particular action. -Owen